10:20:00 PM
And I'm back!
So "kindah" revamped my site and joined the Nuffnang community. So it's official I am a #Nuffnanger or #Nuffie. Thanks to Nuffnang!
And because I want to spread good vibes and positivity on my blog, I just wanna share with you some things I've been trying to do for the past few days and seems to me it's a lot of help.
So lately, I've been thinking a lot about my life and happiness and I realized that this is something that you can choose to do or to have.
Here are my few tips or points that you might want to do everytime you are feeling down and "unhappy".
Note that some of these tips came from blogs, friends and family so not claiming it be my own, Let's start! :)
1. Make your Alarm Subject something a bit more positive like instead of "Wake Up" put more positivity "Wake Up, Beautiful!" A bit corny but note, alarms are the first thing you see and hear so start it right!
2. Don't just drink coffee or tea in the morning. Make that every sip like it's your last, take a moment of silence and just be thankful for another day your heart is beating. Be thankful for the perfect weather, the hot shower and life.
3. Listen to music. I read an article that music actually helps you to build more motivation and confidence, so don't worry if you're singing in the shower, you are not only who does it, Hahaha! I always make it to the point that I listen to about 40 songs everyday, because every song sets you in to the mood. Follow my playlist on Spotify, search for Kachuaco for your good vibes music. Enjoy!
4. When you are feeling down, just Smile! Even if its very sarcastic because anger only lasts about 10 minutes, so just shrub it off. Remember you are the captain of your own ship. :) Smile like you really mean it!

5. Don't forget to meditate. Be sure to allot atleast 5 minutes for this, close your eyes-inhale-exhale and just smile. You'll feel a little bit relaxed and this would help you conquer your day.
Sharing with you too an article I saw on Pinterest, that can help you distress in 30 seconds:
Follow me on Pinterest as well and browse on my pins: https://www.pinterest.com/kachuaco/
6. Be weird. Like the old saying goes "Life is too short" so make it to the point that you are not just living your life, a good friend told me that you should go out of your comfort zone, do the things that scares you the most and you'll see how it makes you become better.

7. Be more expressive. People tend to hold back their thoughts and feelings because they are afraid that people would judge them or worse reject them. But holding back is really something that worsens any situation. Say "I love you" and " Thank You" more often. Never neglect saying how you feel towards other people.
8. Laugh. Even if it's the worst joke you have ever heard, laugh at it because it's free. Laugh at your silly mistakes because that makes you human. Laugh hard when you can make other people laugh at your jokes. Remember, you are spreading good vibes and people would really appreciate a good laugh. Sharing with a very good quote to live by:

So there you go! Now you can conquer your day and own it! Let me know if this is something that helped you, would love to hear it!
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